Ciò che rende Shakespeare il più celebre tra gli autori del teatro moderno è sicuramente l’immortalità delle sue opere. A distanza di circa cinque secoli, infatti, esse ci offrono un importante riscontro con la realtà odierna, come accade in “Macbeth”, tragedia del potere, e in “Romeo e Giulietta”, tragedia dell’amore ostacolato.


"Romeo and Juliet" is a tragedy written by William Shakespeare, a poet born in Stratford upon Avon in 1564. He is the greatest British playwright of all times, he wrote comedies, sonnets, historical plays, tragedies and tragicomedies. We remember Romeo and Juliet because the themes are contemporary. It is the tragedy of "OLD HATE AND YOUNG LOVE", there is also the theme of equivocation. There are five acts, the story lasts five days; there are two lovers, Romeo, Lord Montague's son, and Juliet, Lord Capulet's daughter. Romeo meets Juliet at the masked ball at the Capulet's home, they fall in love at first sight. But they are star-crossed lovers because their families are always in conflict, because of an ancient grudge. Friar Laurence helps them get married secretly because Juliet's family wants her to marry Paris, a noble boy.L'ultimo bacio di Giulietta e Romeo (dipinto di Francesco Hayez, XIX Secolo)

At the end, after many equivocations they die and the two families decide to end their enmity but it is useless for the two lovers.Romeo and Juliet's love is real love, they love each other dearly but their love is "death-marked". Juliet is in love with Romeo and the first obstacle to their love is his name, even today many lovers are star-crossed lovers and they can't live together because there are too many problems.

This tragedy is splendid for its language:it is very clear, rhythm is regular, rhyme is frequent.

Shakespeare uses many literary devices as repetition, alliteration, onomatopoeia, metaphors because he wants to emphasize the main theme and wants to create musicality.

These elements characterise Shakespeare's beautiful style. 

Ceraso Alessia - V B Ginnasio


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